How to add a Basic Promo Code?

Add a Promo Code in Eventdex for an Event 

Path: Login to your Eventdex account >> Tickets >> Promo Codes

Step 1: Click on Add Promo Code button at the top right of the Page.

Promo Code

The user will navigate to basic promo code Create page.

Step 2: Click on Create Button of  Basic Promo Codes.b1

Step 3: Enter all required fields and select Tickets from the left panel to which promo code should be applied.

saStep 4: Basic Promo Code field description.



  1. *Promotion Name:Give promotion Name.
  2.  *Promo Code :Promo Code is used to avail discount on purchase of Tickets or Items.
  3.  *Start Date :Start Date of promo Code.
  4.   End Date :End Date of Promo Code. After end date promo code will expire.
  5.  *Max Coupon Uses :Total No. of coupons.
  6.   Uses per Customer : Maximum Number of Coupons uses per Customer(i.e Unique Email Id).
  7.  *Buy Ticket Qty : Avail discount on purchase on min qty of tickets.

If the “ Buy Ticket Qty ” is greater than one “ Apply promo code when it’s meet buy quantity ” is displayed on the screen.

If “ Apply promo code when it’s meet buy quantity ” is Unchecked the promo will apply to each and every selected quantity of tickets.

If “ Apply promo code when it’s meet buy quantity ” is checked the promo will apply to multiples of

“ Buy Ticket Qty”.

  1.   Discount Type :Select discount type ($ or %).
  2.  *Discount Value :Enter discount value.
  3.  *Promo Range: The Promo will applies between the Promo Range.

EX:  Promo Range 1-5, it will get 10% OFF.

Promo Range 5-10, it will get 20% OFF.

11. Used Coupons: This will gives the number of used coupons of the particular Promo.

12. Automatic Discount: The Promo will applies automatically if the check box is enables (with out entering the Promo Code).

13. Status : Active and Enable for online registrations(Radio Buttons).

Inactive(The Promo will not apply in the Registration page if the status is in Inactive).

14. Select Tickets : Enable Tickets from the left panel to which promo code should be applied.

Note: Field with ‘*‘ is a required field.

Assign Tickets to promo code by selecting tickets from the left panel.

Step 5: Click on ‘Save’ button to save new Basic Promo Code.

     Click on ‘Cancel’ button to exit Promo Code screen without saving.

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